Where can Axomera help?
With published testimonials from patients you can find here .
Computer-based patient testimonials created together with the pain outpatient clinic of the Hannover Medical School (Prof. Karst) can be found here .
Here is a list of the more common indications. For each condition, discuss with your doctor whether Axomera therapy is an option for you.
- Spine: cervical spine pain (cervical spine syndrome), thoracic spine pain (thoracic spine syndrome), low back pain (lumbar spine syndrome), spinal stenosis pain, sacroiliac pain (ISG syndrome), so-called "piriformis syndrome".
- Nerve pain: radiating into arms or legs, for example in case of herniated disc, sciatica, cervicobrachialgia
- Joint complaints: Hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow and wrist, such as bursitis, trochanteric tendinosis, thumb saddle joint (rhizarthrosis), pain after knee and hip replacement.
- Hands and feet: carpal tunnel syndrome, jumping finger (tendovaginitis stenosans), rhizarthrosis, heel pain (heel spur), toe pain (Morton's neuralgia, metatarsalgia)
- Post-operative: persistent pain after surgery or injury, for example CRPS syndrome (Sudeck's disease).
Sports medicine
Over 80% of all sports-related illnesses are overuse-related inflammations, so-called overuse syndromes. Here, Axomera aims to rapidly inhibit inflammation and then sustainably regenerate the affected tissue. The aim is to significantly reduce sports absenteeism and accelerate the “return to sports”. There are no side effects from drugs or doping problems with Axomera therapy.
- Inflammation and overuse damage of the Achilles and patella tendon (achillodynia, patella tendinosis)
- Adductor tendinosis
- Acute and chronic muscle fiber tears in the thigh and calf, including those that have not healed with load stability
- Sprains and torn ligaments of the ankle and knee joint (ankle distortion)
- Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow and other tendon insertion problems
- Shin Splint Syndrome (Shin Splint Syndrome)
Pain therapy
The anti-inflammatory effect of axomeratherapy according to clinical observation probably explains its importance in the therapy of neuritis. Outstanding results are seen in headache, especially cluster headache, trigeminal neuralgia, and atypical facial pain, as well as in postoperative or post-traumatic inflammation of peripheral nerves, such as CRPS syndrome.
- Migraine, tension headache
- Trigeminal autonomic headache such as cluster headache, trigeminal neuralgia, atypical facial pain
- Herpes Zoster Neuralgia
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- CRPS type 1 disorders
- Nerve pain in arm or leg with or without herniated disc (cervicobrachialgia, sciatica, pseudoradicular pain syndrome
Seasonal allergy
The use of Axomera therapy for hay fever is carried out with only a few therapy sessions. An improvement up to freedom from symptoms is observed, which can last for one or several years. The indication of allergy suggests a desensitizing effect of the therapy in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect and may be explained by the effect of electric fields on immunocompetent cells such as monoxides.
- Allergic rhinitis (or hay fever)
- Allergic conjunctivitis (red eyes)
Before and after allergy therapy
Percent of patients taking medication
- Under it the allergy-typical complaints of the nose, eyes and lungs improve around more than 50%.
- Patients require 60% fewer tablets, 70% fewer asthma inhalers, and 80% less nasal or eye drops.
- Even one year after AXOMERA therapy, many patients have 50% less complaints and take 70% less medication.
Before improvement of allergy symptoms
Severe complaints (6) to no complaints (0)
Allergic inflammatory reactions of nose, eyes and lungs are reduced. Often a long-term effect similar to desensitization therapy is seen.
- Axomera therapy is perceived as painless and has few side effects.
- As a rule, 3 – 6 Axomera treatments are required within 2 – 3 weeks.