Interview with the
German Armed Forces doctor

Dr. med. Alexandra Dejonckheere,
Master of Health Business Administration

Dr. Alexandra Dejonckheere is a doctor in the German Armed Forces. She has signed up for 20 years as a regular soldier and is on her way to becoming a double specialist in general medicine and psychiatry. Alexandra has been using Axomera since this year. It is currently stationed in France, south of Strasbourg, and looks after a fighter battalion with around 650 soldiers. In addition to her work in the German Armed Forces, Alexandra recently opened her private practice “Schwanenkamp Medical Care” in Neuried-Altenheim, near the German border near Offenburg. There, she is building a network between physiotherapists, orthopaedic technicians and other practices in order to establish a more holistic approach to medicine, which also includes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

One focus of her practice and her work in the Bundeswehr is sports medicine. She is also a volunteer at the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf.

Alexandra, Invictus Games, can you explain that?

Yes, the Invictus Games are an international sporting event founded in 2014 by Prince Harry for soldiers who have experienced physical or mental impairment during deployment, service or due to illness. The Bundeswehr actively supports the organization of the Invictus Games and provides the doctors, among other things. It is a ten-day event in which soldiers with all kinds of injuries compete in various sports disciplines. At the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf, I was chosen as one of two doctors to look after “VIP” guests. The decisive factor for my nomination was probably the comprehensive, holistic approach to medicine and, above all, the Axomera therapy.

You only started this year with Axomera started. How did you find out about Axomera and how did you get started with this new therapy?

I found out about Axomera during further training with the acupuncture research group. Since interesting patient case histories were shown a few times, which must be interesting. I’m still brand new to this. I have had the Axomera system for almost four months and treat “everything that crosses my path”. I want to gain experience quickly. From torn muscle fibers to OSG distortions, from elbow pain to chronic spinal pain and much more. Even various hay fever patients.

Since you're new to it, how was the start for you?

Through my work in the acupuncture research group, I already had a lot of experience with acupuncture and needles. And then the work shadowing helped me a lot. The device is easy to operate. The biggest learning curve was to hit the absolute pain point precisely and to use the correct needle length. I have also learned to use sonography to optimize treatment and to check the localization and medical history more closely if treatment is not successful. I have already treated about 40 patients with Axomera. For all but three of them, the Results, what can I say, outstanding!

Tell us an example.

An officer in our battalion has had elbow pain on both sides for a year and a half, radiating to the shoulders, all extensors. He was considered out of therapy. He was so tough that he worked in pain, even though he could no longer even hold a telephone receiver or toothbrush without pain. After six sessions with Axomera, he was pain-free. Not only in the elbow, but also in the shoulders. He was very enthusiastic, really emotional, and that means something for an infantry officer.

Speaking of allergies, you have already treated many patients here?

Yes, I think about half of my Axomera patients suffered from allergies. This is a A fundamental problem for the Bundeswehr – if soldiers have hay fever, their combat effectiveness is reduced. And Axomera is completely amazing here – super successful. It’s incredibly fast. First significant improvement after the second session. In my experience, five treatments are enough. Whether nasal or eye symptoms, hardly any of my patients still have complaints. When I ask them what percentage of their complaints have improved, I hear 90%, sometimes 100% and the lowest was 75%.

I have also undergone personal therapy. I was a hay fever patient for 15 years and underwent many years of hyposensitization. One wonders how it is possible to be completely symptom-free after five Axomera treatments. It is simply phenomenal. I think people notice the biggest difference because the results come so quickly and they can enjoy their summer “free” for the first time.

And then the “side effects”. Some of my patients also had cat hair or food allergies. One patient can now eat apples again and the cat is no longer a problem for the other.

How does Axomera affect your day-to-day work as a doctor?

Firstly, word of Axomera quickly got around in the group. Many want Axomera and ask specifically. Colleagues also want to have and test the device. I can no longer treat them all. And secondly: I now drive to the practice every morning with excitement. And when people are desperate and Axomera helps so quickly, they are even happier about the success because it is not a matter of course for them. That is very moving and fulfills me personally. I once became a doctor precisely for moments like these. 

Axomera - a new dimension in Orthopaedics, sports medicine and pain therapy. What do you think?

No, it’s not a new dimension for me. Axomera uses the laws of nature. But now, for the first time apparently, we are in a position to transfer what nature shows us and demonstrates, as in the axolotl for example, to humans through research. It fills me with pride and gratitude that I can be there.

Would you recommend Axomera to other doctors?

Yes, definitely. I regularly tell my colleagues about it. But I don’t have to recommend it. It is enough to simply report on my own experiences with Axomera.

Alexandra, thank you very much for the interview.
The interview was conducted by Albrecht Molsberger